- Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics, such as stage performances in a rock video.
- There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals.
- There is a relationship between music and visuals.
- The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artists and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work.
- There is frequently references to notion of looking, such as screens within screens.
- There is often an intertextual reference - to films, TV programmes, etc... An example of this is Snoop Dogg featuring in Orange's advert in 2008.
Analysis, Katy's Perry 'Roar.'
The music video proves Goodwin's theory, following many of his points. At the beginning of the video, the title 'Roar' appears, followed by a tiger's roar - showing there's a relationship between music and visuals. Throughout the music video, this occurs, every time Perry sings "Hear me roar," the audience will quite literally, hear a tiger roar. The audience will also see a tiger, in the reflection of the water or 'made' by fireflies during the video; showing the relation between lyrics and visuals. Towards the end of the video, Perry sings the lyrics "louder than a lion," as she 'roars' louder than the tiger and tames it. She lip syncs the lyrics during the video, showing another relation between the lyrics and visuals. However, she is often alone in the video, showing she is the star and this is her song.
The video has many close ups to show her emotions, and in turn to create a relationship between her and the viewer. The most notable close up is at the beginning, when Perry makes eye contact with the camera - drawing the viewer in and to make them sympathise with what happens shortly after. There is also notions of looking during the music video, during the beginning we see the male take a selfie, only through the screen - suggesting the audience isn't suppose to see it. Then later on, Perry is showering and the camera is hidden behind leafs - yet gain suggesting the audience shouldn't be looking at what they're seeing.
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